Rut Report

2014-15 Rut Report
January is upon us once again and that means that hunters everywhere in the Central and Southern parts of the State are getting ready for the Whitetail Rut in Alabama. Historically, the rut in Alabama is spread out from Christmas through the end of the season depending on which part of the State that you hunt. There have been many changes this year for deer hunters but the most prolific of them all is the extension of the season into… Read More

Rut Report Update 1-18
Rutting activity in Central Alabama in some areas has increased significantly the past few days. We have seen normal trends but it has been better in some locations than at this time last year. Overall, buck activity during daylight hours is pretty good especially with the bright nights that we have had. The following counties reported as follows: Lee- Finishing up, this area always starts earlier and bucks have been rutting since Christmas. Macon- Starting to increase significantly, some… Read More

Alabama Rut Report 2013-14
Christmas is over and the "December Lull" is about to be gone for good. January is only a few days away and the majority of Alabama deer hunters are anxiously waiting for those magic days when the Whitetail Rut finally starts in our state. Last year, The Southern Land Brokers created the Rut Report as a way to try and help our friends know what is going on with the rut throughout Central Alabama. We are getting our network of… Read More

Rut Report Update 1-22-13
This is the week that all of the slow counties have been waiting on! We are getting numerous reports of rut activity picking up in several central Alabama counties. It was coming down to the wire but with the great weather and the rut intensity ramping up- we should be in for a very good week. Here is what we have from the weekend: Lowndes Co- Finally! Big bucks starting to become active and 4 reports of nice mature bucks… Read More

Rut Report Update 1-15-13
The last week has been less than we expected. We are still having a lot of the same activity with good bucks being killed in the expected counties and not much new happening in other places. The weather has been hot and now rainy but some great weather is on the way! We hope that the approaching cold front will get the deer moving and Rut activity should pick up in the places where it has been absent. Its going… Read More

Rut Report Update 1-7-13
The following is what we have had reported to us from the past weekend. Rut activity is consistent with normal patterns for this time of year in our state. Its heavy in some areas and non-existent in others. The trend seems to be that the usual early counties are experiencing some good hunting, while its slow for the rest of us. Lowndes Co- still very sluggish in most parts. No confirmed visual sightings or mature bucks harvested while chasing. Scraping… Read More

Rut Report Jan. 4
January is here and the rut in Alabama is beginning to become very active. Here are the reports that we have recieved for this past week. Macon Co. Scraping is becoming heavy, 3 confirmed reports of larger 3yr or older bucks being harvested this week while trailing a doe. 2 of these bucks killed between 2:30 and 3 pm. Overall- rut activity is becoming heavy Lowndes Co. Minimal rut activity observed at this time. 2 confirmed reports of small bucks… Read More

Alabama Rut Report Introduction
We are excited to announce the beginning of The Southern Land Brokers 2012-13 Rut Report! The Rut Report is a resource that is designed to assist hunters in timing the Whitetail Deer rut in Alabama. Every good deer hunter around here is already dreaming of experiencing the joy of this magical time of year when all of our hard work is most likely to pay off. We have worked our farms and leases all year, planting acres of winter crops and spending… Read More