Alabama Rut Report Introduction
We are excited to announce the beginning of The Southern Land Brokers 2012-13 Rut Report! The Rut Report is a resource that is designed to assist hunters in timing the Whitetail Deer rut in Alabama. Every good deer hunter around here is already dreaming of experiencing the joy of this magical time of year when all of our hard work is most likely to pay off. We have worked our farms and leases all year, planting acres of winter crops and spending our time and money anticipating the rut. Here in Alabama we know that the rut can begin and end very fast. We also know that it can differ from county to county. The Rut Report is a place where we can go to utilize what other hunters are seeing in the woods and use that knowledge to help us anticipate the start of the rut on our hunting areas. We have a simple but effective mission. The Southern Land Brokers has an extensive network of experienced, knowledgeable hunters throughout the state who will report each week on what is taking place on their hunting tracts. We hope you will use this information to help you maximize your time in the woods. We will report each week on the following information. Visual sightings of rut activity, scraping intensity, time of day and age data on bucks that are becoming active. Its January in Alabama and it’s time to hunt! The first report will be on the website soon. Please continue to submit your photos and stories to us at joe@thesouthernlandbrokers.com