Rut Report Jan. 4
January is here and the rut in Alabama is beginning to become very active. Here are the reports that we have recieved for this past week.
Macon Co. Scraping is becoming heavy, 3 confirmed reports of larger 3yr or older bucks being harvested this week while trailing a doe. 2 of these bucks killed between 2:30 and 3 pm. Overall- rut activity is becoming heavy
Lowndes Co. Minimal rut activity observed at this time. 2 confirmed reports of small bucks beginnning to chase, moderate scraping and no sightings of large bucks behind does. Overall- rut activity still very sluggish
Bullock Co. Moderate scraping, small bucks very active with larger bucks showing signs of being close. 2 confimed sightings, small 6 point and spike chasing does in green fields. 1 large buck killed but not behind a doe. Overall- rut activity picking up but not full speed
Lee Co. Heavy scraping, confirmed visuals of fighting and bucks of all sizes chasing does. 3 reported kills of bucks that were chasing or trailing a doe. Overall- rut activity is heavy in parts of this county
Butler Co. Minimum to Moderate scraping, smaller bucks becoming somewhat active, no reports of a buck killed while behind a doe. Overall- rut activity is sluggish
We will have an update after the weekend from these and other counties. Good Luck this weekend!