4 Tips for Beginning Turkey Hunters on Alabama Hunting Properties
1. Call A Turkey Hunter Friend
If you know someone who has experience, ask them about the hunting in your area. They may even go with you to scout the land. Hunting with a partner allows a beginner turkey hunter to focus on the surroundings while allowing their companion to do the calling for them.
2. Make Sure You Get Set Up Early
Hunting turkeys in the middle of the day is possible. However, the vast majority of turkeys are tagged in the first hour or so of hunting. It’s imperative to be in your spot well before the sun rises. Even if you slip into the woods just before legal shooting time, this will give you a huge advantage on all Alabama Hunting Properties.
3. Purchase A Few Decoys
You can hunt turkeys without decoys, but most hunters will tell you success dramatically increases with the use of decoys. Try using a hen decoy and a Jake decoy, which should create enough jealousy to bring a gobbler within range. Later on in the season, you might try using just a hen decoy and see what happens.
4. Works on Calling
If you do not have any experience calling turkeys, check out various recordings of turkey calls. This will help you get acquainted with what turkeys sound like. Beginning hunters should consider getting a box call, slate-type friction call, or a push-pin call for their ease of use. Each style call has its own distinctive sound. A gobbler will sometimes answer one call but not the others. So, carry several calls and take turns trying them. If one call doesn’t get a response, another one might.