Timberland Management
With the recent volatility of the market, many would-be-investors are hesitant to jump back into the game. However, purchasing timberland is a low-risk, high return investment. Not only so but timber is unique in that it’s also a tangible investment, one you can see, feel, touch and smell.
Whether you’re a first-time investor, or a seasoned investor looking to diversify your portfolio, David Harrell and his team are here to help you make the best investment decision possible. They’ll help you pick out the perfect property, manage your timber, and cut when timber prices are right in order to ensure that you get the highest possible return on your investment.

A client proudly sits atop her investment
The Southern Land Brokers understand that a sound and sustainable land management plan is essential to maximizing returns on timberland investment. David has more than 15 years of effective timber management experience, and he and his team currently manage more than 8,000 acres of land in central and southern Alabama. They understand the importance of careful site preparation, the planting of quality pine or hardwoods, controlling undesirable vegetation, and the monitoring of timber health.
Instead of taking a one-size-fits-all approach, David and his team will custom-tailor a land management plan to help you make your financial dreams and aspirations a reality. They’ll take into account factors such as the topographical features of your land, the history of the land’s usage, aesthetics, resource inventory, and environmental impact to help you develop the best management plan possible. They’ll also assess the age, variety, number, estimated volume, present sale assessment, and future sale estimation of the timber, if managed properly. They will also provide recommendations, such as burning, fertilizing, pesticides, and where would be good areas for deer attracting green fields for hunting.
Now is the time to buy, so call The Southern Land Brokers today to invest in Alabama’s number one industry.
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David Harrell
The Southern Land Brokers, LLC
Post Office Box 217
Hayneville, AL 36040